Monday, July 30, 2012

Proceed with comfort and ease

Most therapists see a lot of clients that are dealing with anxiety.  Anxiety may be something that is genetic for them, or a result of something traumatic; or likely both.  I recall before my Rapid Resolution Therapy Training I didn't really know what to do with a client who had anxiety.  Especially a client with severe anxiety and panic attacks.  After my training I was ready and willing to assist clients with their anxiety.  After some practice with RRT I found I was actually effective at treating and clearing anxiety and panic attacks.  (Yes you read that right CLEARING panic attacks!)
What quickly became obvious to me was how fearful many of my therapist friends were about treating clients with anxiety and panic attacks.  At the time they had not trained in RRT and would come to me upset and concerned about working with clients with such issues.  I was actually confused on how to support and help my friends because here I was Certified in RRT but they hadn't even considered doing the training yet.  They also refused to refer their clients to me because I no longer took health insurance and my sessions were always scheduled for 1-3 hours.  They insisted that clients would not be willing or able to afford such sessions, nor were they likely to be willing or able to stay in a session that may last 3 hours.
Well boy have their minds changed.  Most of my therapist friends have to some extent done some RRT training.  Those that are in private practice are now Certified Practitioners and those that are not currently but are looking to in the future have noted they will likely continue their training in RRT.  So if you are a therapist finding that many of your clients have anxiety in one way shape or form consider Rapid Resolution Therapy Training.

Tara- Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence™ Pin It

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