Monday, April 9, 2012

Sexual Assualt Awareness Month

Did you know that April is Sexual Assault Awareness month? The link I provided is the direct home of SAAM website, there you will find the history of SAAM, statistics about sexual assault, and more.  This months IRRT newsletter I wrote an article about how RRT was very beneficial for a 12 year old who survived being molested 2 years prior to her first RRT session. (feel free to read this month's newsletter) This month the ISSV also dove into the world of grant proposal.  An organization called GOOD Maker is having a grant competition.  We put our name in the basket.  The proposal had to be approved by GOOD, and it was, now it's up to public voting for the prize to be awarded.  We would greatly appreciate more votes...first you have to join GOOD; which is free.  Then you can go to our direct link here and vote.  Next you will have to verify your e-mail address and then the vote is accepted.  If we win the grant money will go to further fund training more clinical professional in RRT as well as treating survivors of sexual violence who otherwise couldn't afford such treatment!
Thank you for your time and support!
Tara- Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence™ Pin It

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