Monday, November 14, 2011

The New Trauma Treatment

For as long as I know treating trauma has been about "reliving" the event, staying with the feelings, and "going deeper."  Survivors have been told that they have to work harder to get through the trauma, let go of it, and move on.  Yet so many leave therapy still feeling haunted by the experience they survived. 

Times are changing.  research in neuroscience is suggesting that such treatment is not helpful and likely may deepen the trauma.  There's a different answer to treating trauma...Rapid Resolution Therapy.  RRT lines up with the research in neuroscience which suggests that the way to heal trauma is for the survivor to be able to discuss the event while still be emotionally present.  That's exactly what RRT therapists do.  What we also do is take responsibility for getting the client clear and free of that haunting event.  (Yes you read that right, in RRT it is not the responsibility of the client to get themselves better but the responsibility of the trained professional to get the client better!)  RRT is quick, painless, and effective.  The effects of RRT are long lasting and have a positive impact upon the client/survivor's life in many different ways.  For more information on neuroscience and how it relates to RRT check out this post.

Imagine a life where the traumas of your past no longer negatively effect your present day or your future!  Neuroscience research is and will continue to impact the counseling world.  In the near future research in counseling may depend upon brain scans versus pen and paper questionnaires.  RRT is thought to be ahead of this curve....

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