Monday, November 7, 2011

Training in Clincal Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution®

Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution® is an innovative method that painlessly eliminates the negative influences from traumatic events. This integrative approach completely resolves the psychological and physiological effects of trauma.
This cutting-edge approach to healing and positive change utilizes precise multilevel hypnotic communication. Unlike other approaches to trauma treatment which require the client to experience painful emotions while reliving the trauma, ClinicalHypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution® clears the effects of trauma gently and painlessly.
The exact traumatic event needing resolution is brought to mind even if it has been repressed or forgotten. The client realizes fully and through every facet of their mind and body that these experiences are finished and gone. Negative emotions are replaced with energy and peace and self-destructive behavioral patterns disappear.
Emotional problems, destructive behaviors and relationship difficulties can seem impossible to change when fueled by traumatic past events. Unresolved emotional trauma can even increase vulnerability to medical problems. Attempting to bring about enduring change without eliminating the influence of these past events would be like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint.
Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution® facilitates transformation that effects emotions, beliefs, behaviors and even perceived identity. Unconscious conflicts blocking desired change are brought to light and resolved. The mind is cleared, organized and optimized. Negative habits and painful emotions are replaced by positive feelings and actions. Blocked energy is released. Healing takes place. Desired change is automatic and lasting.
If you are interested in becoming Certified in Rapid Trauma Resolution® just click here to find a training close to you. 


  1. Great training. One that I really use in my practice on a daily basis.

  2. LOVE to hear that RRT/RTR is helpful to clinicians and their clients as well! Thanks for sharing Joanie!
