Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amazing client testimonial

Vicki Foster Chavis:
“Just wanted to publicly say that Rapid Resolution Therapy® with Mark Chidley helped me end the 26 year long battle with a plane crash. Today we won the war!”

I was recently privileged to give a presentation on what Rapid Resolution Therapy® can do for trauma survivors. This was easy with the help of my former client, Vicki Chavis, a survivor of Delta 191, the crash that took place in 1985 and left only 27 survivors, most of whom were seated in the tail section,  which tore off prior to the plane bursting into a fireball. She did an artful and convincing job explaining how after 26 years of emotional turmoil in and around planes, after my RRT session with her, she now flies without upset or incident. To prove the point, she took her son up in a bi-plane for his 2011 Christmas treat, just to feel the open cockpit experience! These are her photos from a beautiful day cruising the Florida Gulf above Sanibel Island. Thank you, Vicki, for so effectively helping me get the word out about Rapid Resolution Therapy®, the method pioneered by Jon Connelly.

Mark Chidley, LMHC, Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Mark here is his information:
Mark A. Chidley, LMHC, CAP
Mark A. Chidley, LLC
11595 Kelly Road, Ste. 302
Fort Myers, FL   33908
(239) 728-1886 

(And Thank You Mark for doing such great work- Tara Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Trauma™)

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