Monday, January 2, 2012


PTSD has become a term many, if not most everyone knows.  It's usually linked to Veterans of wars.  But it's also associated with survivors of violent crimes.  I was recently reminded of this by one of our very own Certified Practitioners, David L. Johns, LMHC, NBCFCH.  He recently e-mailed me again about another success story of his.  The long and short of it was his client was brutally attacked by his son (the client's) who was an Iraqi War Veteran.  David's client, due to the attack, suffered from insomnia, anxiety, flashbacks, anger, resentment, social isolation and sadness/depression.  Within two sessions David was able to clear all of these symptoms and has another session to see if he can clear the headaches.  The client's son is under going counseling as well with a different therapist.  David reported to me that his client was able to enjoy some time with his son this holiday season...and when I say enjoy I mean that he could sit with his son and have a conversation that was not clouded by resentment and sadness.
I also recently met with a client diagnosed with PTSD and he happened to be an Iraqi War Veteran.  He had been suffering from extreme bouts of anger, flashbacks, anxiety bordering on agoraphobia, and nightmares.  Within one session he was unable to "get mad" about anything no matter what he thought of or pictured.
I bring these examples up because I speak a lot about treating trauma and survivors of sexual violence.  And in fact many survivors of sexual violence may have been diagnosed with PTSD.  Rapid Resolution Therapy® can and does effectively treat PTSD; it's not a matter of what caused the PTSD; the fact is it can be treated effectively.
Tara- Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence™

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