Monday, March 12, 2012

Frequently asked questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions I receive as the Executive Director of the ISSV™:

1) Where's the research on the effectiveness of RRT?  The research is being conducted as we speak (or should that be read?).  However the first phase of that research is done and you can view the write up here and just click on the research button.  I must admit I am so glad this research is being done and it's being done by amazing RRT therapists and that I don't have to do anything in relation to this research.  (Research was not my favorite subject in grad school)

2) Where's the book on RRT?  This is also in production.  As soon as the book is out I will make a HUGE announcement!

3) How fast is RRT?  Faster than 2-12 years in some form of self analysis type counseling.  Clients can notice immediate benefits from RRT after one session.  As for how many sessions well that depends upon how the Certified Practitioner sets up their appointments.  Some of us use several hours per session.  Others still do the traditional one hour a week set up which is the accepted form for insurances.  (So for a more personal example in my private practice all sessions are scheduled for three hours.  I do not take any health insurances though.  My suite mate Kelly Carney, LPC does take insurances so she schedules one hour sessions weekly.  Most clients see me 1-3 times.  Most client see Kelly 6-9 times. Still a big difference from a weekly session for 2 years)

4) What is RRT?  A great place to start to understand RRT would be right here.  RRT is different because it works with the subconscious mind, where the traumatic events are thought to be stored.   The subconscious mind works differently than the conscious mind and so we work with the subconscious mind the way it works!

5) How do I go about learning even more about RRT?  If you are a medical or mental health profession there is a one hour introductory video; you may contact us and we will set you up to view.  All's you have to do is go to our Clear Trauma website and on the upper right hand corner is the link. 

6) When and where are the trainings?  How long are they?  How much do they cost?  Do I earn CEUs?
Dr. Connelly does three day intensive trainings through out the United States.  They begin on Fridays at 1pm and go (given meal breaks and sleeping etc) until Sunday at 6pm.  You will earn 25 CEUs that go towards your licensure as well as any training you want to put towards a License/Certification in Clinical Hypnosis.  To learn more about trainings just click on this link.  To register for trainings check this spot out.

7) How do I get treatment with Dr. Connelly?  For a private session with Dr. Connelly you may call 1-800-587-2623 For a Certified Practitioner in your area you may also call 1-800-587-2623 or you can go to this web page and review our list of CPs by state.  We have over 200+ CPs through out the USA and into Canada.

I think that covers the most frequently asked questions.  If you or someone you know has another question please feel free to leave it in the comment section or e-mail me directly at

Tara- Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence™

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stopping by! If you ever have any questions please let us know!
