Monday, March 5, 2012

Helping the healer

"Today a 62 year old man walked into my office with an extensive history of drug use, violence, and incarceration in the 70's, multiple near-death motor vehicle accidents in the 80's, industrial head injuries at work in the 90's, and pretty much steady state anxiety and negative thinking since then. He had gotten my name from a local new age boutique that traumatized people frequent, looking for answers. He had to get directions several times on his way to the appointment and then got lost in my building once he was there. I could tell by this and his speech/thought patterns there was probably some leftover organic brain injury afoot. In the old days, I would have been consumed with my own performance, worried about covering various bases, and off on an extensive history and other collateral manuevers. But as it was, I spent 45 min just connecting with this fellow at his own pace, letting my target form, then doing some "stuff" and finally sent him out the door largely cleared and with zero anxiety, feeling as he said, "more relaxed than I've been in a long, long time." RRT has made a huge difference in how I approach this work and the potential effects I can have as a counselor on all sorts of people. Jon Connolly has unburdened us all from pathological, stuck thinking and positioned us to be of real and dramatic help to people that others would wisk off to a clinic. Thanks Jon and RRT!"
Mark A. Chidley, LMHC, CAP
Mark A. Chidley, LLC
11595 Kelly Road, Ste. 302
Fort Myers, FL   33908
(239) 728-1886
Thanks Mark for sharing this with me!
Tara- Executive Director of the Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence™

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